Medical Sports Nutrition

#19 - Intermittent fasting and why it's so good for us; fructose and why it's so bad for us.

August 22, 2022 Season 1 Episode 19

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More on the discordance between what is healthy for us and what gets the best performance.  If seems to be very good for our health, but performance improvements are mixed at best. Fructose added to our drinks is great for getting sugars in during a race, but terrible for our insulin sensitivity and triglyceride levels. Also will carb restriction thin our bones and a HIT study where they don't seem to get very out of breath.

This podcast is a lighthearted review of the medical literature and Dr Matheson has enormous respect for all scientific researchers and could not do a job as hard as theirs.
The information presented is the personal opinion of the healthcare professional and is not a substitute for seeking professional advice. It is based on interpretation of current best practice and guidelines when the episode was recorded. Guidelines can change; To the best of our knowledge the information in this episode is up to date as of it’s release but it is the listeners responsibility to review the information and make sure it is still up to date when they listen.

Dr Matheson is not liable for any advice, investigations, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products listeners might pursue as a result of listening to this podcast. Reliance on information provided in this podcast is solely at the listeners risk.

The podcast is designed to be used generate learning discussions and for education only. It is not recommended to be used as a method of diagnosis, opinion, treatment or medical advice for the general public. Do not delay seeking medical advice based on the information contained in this podcast. If you have questions regarding your health or feel you may have a medical condition then promptly seek the opinion of a trained healthcare professional.